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You can find me at the following venues throughout South Wales in the next few months. I'd be thrilled to meet you!

2024 Craft Fairs 
9/3/24 - Funky Craft Fayre, Ostreme Centre, Mumbles 10am - 4pm

13/4/24 - Funky Craft Fayre, Ostreme Centre, Mumbles  10am - 4pm

14/9/24 - Funky Craft Fayre, Ostreme Centre, Mumbles 10am - 4pm

12/10/24 - Funky Craft Fayre, Ostreme Centre, Mumbles 
10am - 4pm

9/11/24 - Funky Craft Fayre, Ostreme Centre, Mumbles 10am - 4pm

14/12/24 - Funky Craft Fayre, 
Ostreme Centre, Mumbles
10am - 4pm

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